The next in turn personal exhibition of ceramist Salmaz
Mukhamedova is the place to visit with pleasure to dip into the world of
harınony and beauty. Marvellous forms, grace of unique silhouettes and lines,
refined colour range, picturesquefulness of the works - each of them utters
gentle enchanting sounds and all of them joining together form a fantastical
charmig melody. Such expressions and feelings seizes everyone who comes to
exhibition of Mukhamedova. Her creative activity is an extraordinary happening
in the Turkınen art. Having appeared on the republican art arena in the
beginning of 1980's she with her first works showed herself as a matııre
highly-skilled artist. Her first porcelain service "Kurban bairam"
she decorated with nıiniarures "Races", "Ram-fight"
"Seesaw"and painted with blue cobalt and gilt. The forms of tea-pot
with doubled handle, bowls with high bases, smooth rounded lines of the
service create an air of eastern voluptuousness and lyricism. "Art must
bestow pleasure" -the master considers. Dear spectator, take a careful
look at the works of Salmaz. She does not invent wheels - jars, vases,
dishes, tea-bowls, kumgans (national Turknıen cettles). But what things they
are! Aıı observation of tlıeir pliant liııes, of the delicate decor,of the
original form gives true joy and pleasııre. "Tıırknıen girls" - a
groııp of affectionate, chaste girls iıı tyubeteykas, "Gelinler"
-young oriental beauties wearing national robes, they are full of poetic
spirit, sculptural expressiveness and plasticity. White vases with broad
bodies and unexpectedly narrow necks win your heart witlı purity of forming
lines and folds as though moved by a breath of wind whieh enforces their
delicate music. The remarkable fusion of ceramic traditions of Central
Asia, Europian modernist style with study of Far
East artistic language and style is seen in the creative
work of Salnıaz Mukhamedova. The nature of Turkmenistan becomes animated in
diversity of forms and details,materials and decor of such works as
:"Evening in desert" 1983, with quicksand of dunes which are being
triversed by caravans of camels; "Akha1-Tekke horses" 1996, with
swift luxuriantly maned Akhal-Tekke racers; "Birds"1993, carefully
listening to sounds they are ready to take wig at once; "Cupolas"
1995, "The secrets of Khorezm"1995 - the old oriental architecture
with "onion" cupolas. The fantastic world of the artist is riclı in
poetic allusions and philosophic generalization and this list can be almost
endlessly continued by telling about her repeated victories in many
international contests and exhibitions in Italy, Tashkent, Iran, Ashgabat,
Riga, Moscow, Alma-Ata, or speaking of her self-sacrifacing labour (having no
studio she works at home in the kitchen), probably it also could be mentioned
that she creates the compositions without potter's wheel but with her hands
and it seems she easily manages any material: fire-clay, terracotta, engobe,
porcelain, faince, but of course this easiness is not easy at all. Although
all the above-nıentioned is very important to get acquainted with tlıe artist
but this is not we are going to speak of. Up to now the matter has been
aside. Talking of national featııres of someone's creative activety the
sylistic similarity of the works with the known examples of former times is
meant. This similarity means much but can not serve as one and only
criterion. The inner resemblance, common principles of poetic styles,
pecularities of national perseption of the world - it is they are which
determine national features of art. Stylistic forms can change and vary in
coursce of years but general formation of poetical feeling, philosophy of
life of the whole people are catigories of the deeper and long-ten character
which are formed by means of long spiritual experience of nation. Solmaz is a
part of her nation aııd her works come out from the depths of her heart. For
incomplete twenty years' experience the creative activity of Solmaz
Mukhamedova has become an integral part of a11 the Turkmen art. We can
be sure that her art develops with dignity the national culture of Turkmenistan.
Abat Mukhatova
art historian.
July, 1997.
Mukhamedova Dursun-Solmaz Vepayevna was born in
Ashgabat, November 22, 1952. In 1980 she graduated from the Moscow
High Artistic-Iııdustrial (former Stroganovskiy's) College and was qualified
as an artist of the applied decorative art.
1985 - A member of Artists Union of USSR
1987 - A member of Designers Union of USSR
1972 - Moscow, degree work on Exhibition of national economic
1978 - Republican art exhibition in Ashgabat
1979 - All-Union art exhibition in Moscow
1980 - Republican art exhibition in Ashgabat; All-Union exhibition
in Tashkent
1982 - Republican art exhibition in 'Ashgabat
1983 - International contest of ceramists in Faenze, Italy
1985 - Exhibition "Gobelin and minor plastic arts" in Ashgabat
1986 - Republican art exhibition in Ashgabat
1989 - Riginal art exhibition of Central Asia in Kazakhstan on the
applied decorative
art; awarded
by the prize for "Fantasy and Unexpected use of material"
1992 - Personal art exhibitions Exhibition of art works,
Gumbed-Kabus, Iran
1993 - International symposium of ceramists in Tashkent
1994 - Personal art exhibition in Ashgabat
1995 - International art symposium of Asian women, in Alma-Ata.
Personal exhibitions
in Ashgabat.
Works From Dr. Farzad Marjani's Private Collection.

Cholde Agach
Dr.Farzad Marjani's Collection
Cholde Agach
Dr.Farzad Marjani's Collection

Dr. Farzad Marjani's Collection

Dr. Farzad Marjani's Collection
Other Works:

l. "Guncha", "Bahar" - shaınot,
paintings, 1995

2. "Crop" - china, paintings gold, 1978

3. "Tenderness" - china, biskvit, 1982

4. "Brides" - china, biskvit, 1982

5. "Mystery of Khorezm" - shamot, glaze,
salts, 1995

6. "Spring" - china, biskvit, 1991

7. "East Water" - - china, cobalt, gold,

8. "Cobalts Roses" - china, cobalt, gold,

9. "Dutar Melody" - china, biskvit, 1992

10. "Birds" - china, biskvit. 1994

11. "Poem" - china, biskvit, gold, relief,

12. "Surf" - slıamot, salts, aTo6bI,
glaze, 1992

13. "Kurban Holiday" - china, salts,
paiııtings, 1980

14. "Windows into the world" -
shamot, application, salts, color clays, 1995

15. "Vase" - china, salts, glaze, 1979

16. "Girls" - shamot, oxides, salts, 1995

17. "Draft" - decorative vases, shamot,
glaze, 1996
1st caver: "Zephir" - shamot,
glaze, 1996
4th caver: Vase - china, salts, glaze, 1979

Iºangulyıew Iºanguly
(Sanatçy Ressam,1960)
Tel: 474137 , Asgabat
1979-1983: ª.Rustaweli
çeperlik Mektebini Gutardy. (mugallymy:A.Almamedow)
1983-1987: Moskova ªährinde bejeriº merkezi
institutynda okady.
Angliıade, Germaniıade, Awstriıada,
Türkiıede, Rusıada, Eıranda we baºga daºary ıurtlarda çeperçilik iºleri
sergisinde gatnaºdy. 1996 ıylda, İstambyl ºährinde ºahsy sergisi guraldy.
Works From Dr. Farzad Marjani's Private Collection.

Bayramhan. (Dr. Farzad Marjani's Private

Ayli & Aydin. (Dr. Farzad Marjani's
Private Collection)

Women. (Dr. Farzad Marjani's Private
Other works,

Curiew, Hojamuhammed
Doglan Yyly 1966, Mary Welayeti, Guski
Okan: Turkmen Dowlet Cepercylyk Ucilise
Muallimi: AnnaDurdi Almamedov
Turkmen Dowlet Milli Cepercilik Akademisi
Muallimi: Amangeldiev Cari
Suwakt : Turkmen Dowlet Cepercylyk Ucilise
Tel: 474841 – Asgabat
From Dr. Farzad Marjani's Private Collection.

Garasmak. (Dr. Farzad Marjani's Private

Nuwawayof, Ahadmurad
Doglan Yyly 1972, Ahal Welayeti, Babadayhan
Okan: Turkmen Dowlet Cepercylyk Ucilise
Muallimi: AnnaDurdi Almamedov
Turkmen Dowlet Milli Cepercilik Akademisi
Muallimi: Amangeldiev Cari
Suwakt : Turkmen Dowlet Cepercylyk Ucilise
Tel: 466248
From Dr. Farzad Marjani's Private Collection.

Yssy Gun. (Dr. Farzad Marjani's Private

Meretguly Övez
About Him
page 1 - Page 2
Sayfa 1 - Sayfa 2

Ataturk –



Tugrul Beg



Sultan Sanjar

Atallos II

Atallos II

Atallos II


ݺ wagty

ݺ wagty(Ataturk)

Ganatly At

Turkmen Asgeri

On at



Türkmen Asgeri

Türkmen Halı
Dutar we Aty

Mary 1997




Özgürlük Aty

Ali ªir Newai

Montaj wagty

Mpntaj Wagty

Montaj Wagty

On at - Model


35.Yyl atly

On at

Mollanepes - Mary
Some other painters works

Farzad MARJANI, Civil Engineer, Ph.D.
Ankara - TURKEY
: +90 - 312 280 82 16
: +90 - 312 280 67 20